Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Updates

This weekend seemed to fly by, not because we were busy, but because both Tony and I worked last week and I think we were so looking forward to the weekend for some rest. We did have a chance to sneak in a nap over the weekend, spend some fun time at the gym, do some house cleaning, and have dinner with friends- so it was, overall, very nice.

I feel like I've been focused on Harper quite a bit lately, so I thought I'd start by giving a Jack update. First of all, look at this picture; he looks like like a boy and not a little baby here. I still don't know how I feel about that. He is adorable, don't get me wrong, but I feel like they are growing up so fast and if I blink, I'll miss something. Right now, Jack is happiest when he's chewing on his fist, sucking on his pacifier, or grinning- big time. He has the most infectious smile and has learned to raise his eyebrows when something really catches his attention. He also has the sweetest little belly laugh; there isn't one thing that makes him laugh every time, but he laughs at all sorts of different things. He dislikes tummy time-mostly because of his large noggin, I think, but he really likes laying on his left side and chewing those hands. I think someone may be getting ready to cut a tooth.

We also have an appointment tomorrow with the gastrointerologist for Jack. After months of not having bad reflux (remember, he used to scream while eating and arch his back and his lips would turn blue), the reflux is back accompained by spit up. The spit up wouldn't be too bad if it was right after eating, but, poor Jack, can be held upright for 30 minutes after eating, take a nap, and then spit up an hour later. He is also back to flapping his arms and making choking nosies when he tries to bup. I am convinced that the medicine he was taking isn't working anymore, but we shall see what the doctor says.

Harper is Harper. Her eating is consistently inconsistent. I am trying to follow the GI's advice to forget measuring the amount she takes each day and instead focus on her overall health. She did finish a bottle for Durinda today (shout out to Durinda who is back!!) and she did pretty well for me this afternoon too. We will see how things go the next couple of weeks. We are awaiting a doctor's order for her swallow study, so we're in a holding pattern right now.

As far as Harper's activity level- the girl never sits still. As I'm typing this, she is in a play chair kicking her feet and trying to pull an owl down from overhead. If Harper is put down on her back, she rolls over right away and has now started pulling her knees up and trying to push off the floor to propel herself forward. She can "inchworm" herself along and move to toys on the playmat and spin herself in a complete circle to get what she wants; I told Tony it won't be long before she figures out how to crawl and then Abby's world will be over. She is also a very happy smiling little one. She turns her head when she hears her name and grins and usually has a verbal response. There is something so wonderful about seeing her smile and squeal in happiness; it melts my heart to know that she is happy despite the eating mystery.

I will leave you with a few pictures we took over the weekend of the kiddos wearing cute matching outfits from our Aunt Becky. Oh, and both kids have now seen Abby and are very interested in anything that she does; they will both stop eating and turn their heads to watch Abby enter a room. Who knew our pup would have such admirers.

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