Our week has been pretty mild-mannered, nothing exciting to report, but just a few little things that the kids have been doing that make us smile:
-Has been telling us when she has a dirty diaper and laying down on the changing pad. I guess maybe potty training is a little closer than I thought.
-Has been doting on her baby doll more lately and will clap her baby doll's hands together to do "patty cake"; she also insisted on taking her baby doll in the stroller with her during a walk this week.
-Now wants me to get books down from the high shelf (these are books that have paper pages that can be ripped) and will follow me around saying "UP, UP!!" and running to her book shelf.
-Is starting to talk to Abby when Abby does things she's not supposed to (like sniffing Harper's high chair tray, digging in the backyard, or trying to climb on the furniture). Harper will wag her finger and say "no, no Abba!"
-Durinda also said this week that Harper told Abby not to dig in the backyard flowerbed and Abby did not listen to her. Durinda said she remarked "Abby isn't listening to us, Harper" and Harper put her hands on her hears. I was astounded to know 1) that Harper knows what listening means 2) she knows that listening is done with her ears...wow.
-Has been playing music quite a bit this week with is instrument of choice being his drum. Jack has gotten pretty good at playing the bongo drums and loves to see people playing instruments on TV or videos (like Jimmy Fallon's /The Roots Sesame Street Intro Song)
-Has been waving to everyone and saying "Hiiieeee!" He did this when we went to Costco this weekend, but he also did this when we Skyped with the Slomas, and when he saw the Postman walking up our sidewalk.
-Also likes me to get books off of the top shelf for him to read, but instead of saying "up, up", Jack throws his arms around me like a giant bear hug and says "Hiieee, Hiieee!" As in, "please get the books off of the high shelf."
-Today when I laid down on the floor in the kids' room, Jack came running over and put one hand behind my back and the other on my shoulder and he "helped" me sit up, then he gave me a kiss- like we do when he falls down and needs help back up; it was very sweet.
-I've noticed that when Jack is thinking, he makes noises. For instance, when we're looking at picture books and I ask him to point out certain things, some things he knows right away, but some things he has to search for. While Jack is searching out certain things, he will make "hmmm" noises and you can actually see him thinking- it's amazing to watch those wheels turn and see all the things that he's learned.
Aside from the two smart kiddos that inhabit our house, we also have a cute pooch who spent some time today lounging around with the kids- I snapped this picture of her- she's coming around on liking the kids...I think.
I also served as dinner time entertainment tonight by doing a balancing act- the kids laughed and squealed- it's fun to surprise them and make them smile.
I sure can't beat ending my day with them