Here are some of the things that Harper and Jack are into at the moment:
-Loves playing patty cake and will mimic playing patty cake with her dolls
-Has started talking quite a bit more this month- language is really taking off
-Shakes head "yes" and "no" in response to a variety of questions
-Is starting to tell us when she needs her diaper changed
-She like to stack blocks and make towers- especially the Duplo blocks
-Has one molar all the way through and is working on another
-She loves to read books and will sometimes meet Tony at the door with a book in hand when she comes home.
-Enjoys doing art work with Durinda, she was especially fond of finger painting and reenacted how she did her finger painting for me; she laughed and laughed!
-Learned his first color- purple
-Talks about all sorts of things on repeat
-Has started saying the word "nope"; for instance, we asked him if he needed a diaper change to which he replied "nope" and kept playing :)
-Is working on a new lower tooth, thus bringing his overall tooth count to seven
-Loves reading books like his sister and will spend long stretches sitting on the floor reading to himself
-He loves to play outside and dig in the dirt; this boy always has dirt under his fingernails and mud in his shoes
-He always wakes up before Harper in the morning and lays in his bed talking to his sheets with animals and letters on them; he's a little morning person already
-Likes coloring and drawing with crayons and is getting pretty good at drawing lines
Here are some pictures of our weekend fun:
Friday afternoon started with some down time for me after work and cuddling with my Harper girl- it was an exhausting first week back.
A few eating antics from Harper and the kids first taste of chocolate almond milk- I think Jack liked it :)
We went to breakfast with the Sterlings and got a picture of the Sterling/Collett kids together. I have a feeling that these kids will be good friends.
This afternoon I cleaned out Harper and Jack's closet and found a cow costume that Aunt J sent in the bag of clothes for Jack. Harper was a good sport and tried on the costume; she looked so adorable :)
After the cow costume was put away, the kids opted to play blocks in their closet until nap time; I love to see them play together.
We went out for some gluten-free treats after nap time and the kiddos got to try their go at "real" chairs (because there was only 1 high chair in the whole joint). Here's a bird's eye view of our table (sort of). They did good in the chairs and didn't try to get up; I think the yummy cookie helped keep them at the table.
Happy 20 months Jack and Harper- I don't know where the last 20 months have gone, but I can't wait to see what the next 20 months have in store. We love you very much!!