Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Collett house has been very thankful this Thanksgiving: we are thankful for our family that we got to see over Thanksgiving break, we are thankful for the family that we didn't get to see, but held close in our hearts, we are thankful for safe travels, good food, and especially patience and grace as Tony and I took on the challenge of traveling with two sick little ones.

But, first let me back up a little bit and fill you in our November. We spent most of the month, or so it seems, dealing with some type of sickness: Harper got a stomach bug that lasted over a week, Jack also had a turn with the stomach bug, and I was the last one to get the stomach yuck (after the kids were well and ready to play) while Tony was out of town- thank the Lord for Durinda who was a big help. My stomach bug also lasted a week and left me feeling pretty miserable going into Thanksgiving break. We did, however, manage to get some cute pictures of the kiddos hanging out amid all the stomach yuck...

They tried on hats and Harper even found the energy to dance around

 We took the kids to dinner one night when they were feeling better- we thought. Tony had a little snuggle bug...

They played doctor (very fitting)

 We made a trip to the grocery store- Harper had to have her bag with her and this is what she did when I asked her to say "cheese!"

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving (two days after I started eating food again- not just rice and chicken broth), Harper started to get a runny nose. Tony and I knew with this girl that our best bet is to start treat symptoms early and often, so at the  first sign of a cough Wednesday morning, I had her on her nebulizer as I packed to leave town.

The kids did great on the ride to Uncle Bubba's farm, and were very excited to play with their cousins before bed. Tony and I were hopeful we could get the kids down to bed and all get a good night's rest...that was not to be.  Jack woke up around 11:30 coughing and crying; he and I ended up sharing a twin sized blow up mattress.

Needless to say, we were not all well-rested for Thanksgiving day, but we made the most of it. The dinner was fantastic, the kids had a great time playing all day, and took good naps. Harper even took her mask without complaint and the kids made some dinner for us as well :)

The day ended for me like this: kids in bed, glass of wine, and gluten free pumpkin pie made by my awesome husband. I was very thankful Thanksgiving went well.

Friday the weather, which was predominately rainy, dried up momentarily and the kids got to see the cows before we headed out. Harper then ran around announcing that she wanted to see "more animals!"  Our trip to the farm involved a little more coughing and sick kid issues than we had hoped, but overall we had a great Thanksgiving and we can't wait to see the Colletts again.

Saturday we went to Nana and Pop's house to see our "big cousins" and spend some time with Nana and Pop, Uncle Tanner, and Great Granny. We always have fun when we're together and Saturday was no exception. Harper and Sloane played great together and Jack followed Wyatt around declaring "Wyatt, you're my friend!"

While we were there, we also tried our hand at a family photo using the timer on the iPhone. Here's our best picture; please take note of Jack's little face- what a silly boy!

Sunday was our last day before Tony and I headed back to work and we spent the afternoon putting up the Christmas tree and decorations. Jack was beside himself exclaiming "I decorated the Christmas tree!!" each time he put on an ornament. Harper also got into the act putting on ornaments and telling Jack not to touch the tree. I wish I would have taken some pictures, but Tony and I spent most of our time rearranging the four or five ornaments hung all on the same branch, or trying to make sure no one stepped on a ornament hanger- it was a little bit of chaos.

We are also embarking on our first year of Elf on the Shelf. Our little elf has been named Noel (despite the other naming nominations of "Owl" by Harper and "Santa Claus" by Jack), and Noel observes each day and then flies to Santa each night to report on Jack and Harper's behavior. They have spent the last two mornings getting up to hunt for the elf- Jack said "where is that silly old elf!?" and they run to say goodnight to Noel (and the Christmas tree) before bed each night.

I have no idea what December holds for us, but I'm hoping that we will all be in better health and can enjoy the holidays. Before I close for tonight, I have to give a nod to two important things that happened on this day:

On this day 2 years ago, Harper and Jack were baptized. They did great and our family was there to support the kids and celebrate.

On this day 7 years ago, we welcomed our little four-legger, Abby. Our family wouldn't be complete without Abby and as I type this, she is curled up beside me. This girl has been through many ups and downs with us, and she was thrust into the role of "sister" without having any say, but she has been loyal and loving to us every step of the way. Deciding to adopt Abby 7 years ago is one of he best decisions we ever made- we love you, Abs!

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